Property/Space Cleansing

Property/Space Cleansing

When you go into a building, you can feel the energy of all the individuals who have been there before you. There are also energy entering from the outside. There are also nonphysical creatures there — I know, it sounds like something out of a movie — I believe they are the ones that generate the greatest trouble for individuals. Everyone is affected by this; they simply aren't aware of it. Which is why everyone in the area feels so much better after a space clearing, when all of that energy is cleansed and a vast amount of wonderful, sacred, blessed energy is brought in. They get more done, get along better, and are considerably happy in a setting if it's a workplace. It has a significant impact on the environment. You go from a low-vibration atmosphere with a lot of negative energy to a high-vibration environment with no negative energy at all.

A ritual to begin again in a place, space clearing is typically connected with yoga and meditation, feng shui, and New Age practitioners. Smudging (burning sage or palo santo), ringing a bell, or other acts may be used.

What is Smudging?

Sacred smoke, which is produced by the burning of medicinal or sacred herbs, is a part of many cultures and faiths across the world. It is known as smudging in North America and is a widespread ritual among Indigenous Peoples. Many, but not all, Indigenous communities in North America smudge, although distinct beliefs, ceremonies, and procedures may be linked with the smoke.

Smudging is traditionally a ceremony for purifying or cleansing the soul of negative thoughts of a person or place. There are four elements involved in a smudge:

  • The container, traditionally a shell representing water, is the first element.

  • The four sacred plants (cedar, sage, sweetgrass, tobacco), gifts from mother earth, represent the second element.

  • The fire produced from lighting the sacred plants represents the third element.

  • The smoke produced from the fire represents air, the fourth element.

Plant leaves or stems are placed in the container and lit during a smudging (preferably with a wooden match). The flames are then softly extinguished, and the healing smoke is gently swept around the area, either by hand or with an eagle/turkey feather. Opening the windows and doors so that the area that is is being cleasned and anything negative travels away from the building and outside. The ashes are typically given to mother earth by being buried outside on bare soil, with the belief that the ashes have absorbed the bad ideas and sentiments.

What if I am allergic or dislike smoke?

I offer homemade and organic White Sage Cleansing spray in place of burning sage.

*Only ethically grown and sourced white sage is used during a cleansing/clearing.

Why Cleanse and Clear your space?

Why Cleanse & Clear Your Space?

By cleansing and increasing the energy in your house, you can turn it into a haven that radiates happy vibes in ever-expanding circles, balancing the physical, emotional, and spiritual energies.

There are several practical reasons for removing space. Prosperity in business and happy family connections are the two most prevalent. But don't limit yourself to what's achievable in terms of space cleaning.

In general, you should think about the health and well-being of persons who will be present at the designated site, as well as what you hope to achieve from space clearing.

Clearing Office Space

Employee morale is improved by increasing the 'well-being' of the workplace, according to small firms and enterprises. As a result, the company's performance increases considerably. The extra 'clarity' in the office also has the unintended side effect of increasing efficiency.

Clearing Out Your Home

People in the house encounter less conflict, and as a result, the home and family are happier. The room itself seems and feels brighter. It has long been recommended that when a home is occupied for the first time, the residence be cleared first.

Space Clearing in Real Estate

Space clearance is now being hired by realtors. The goal is usually to improve the selling of difficult-to-sell houses. It has been proven that selling properties and turning them soon after clearing is tough.

Cleasing services offered

To begin I will provide a 30- 45 minute consultation, covering your property and your smudging needs.

One hour smudging minimum. Organic sage spray or sage bundle is inlcuded in your smudging package.

Email: for pricing or to schedule a session.

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